Dog and cat boarding kennels in Gloucestershire

Pet hotels and houses listings

Discover the best accommodations for your furry friends in Gloucestershire. Explore our listings of hotels for dogs and cats, and find the perfect option to pamper your pets while you're away.

  • Keepers and pets coexist
  • Photos and videos
The Luxury Dog Hotel is a home away from home, run by Simon Webb, who has 2 years of experience in caring for dogs. This hotel, and day care, promises...
  • Keepers and pets coexist
Hydgate Pet Resort is situated in the peaceful countryside, with outstanding facilities for both cats and dogs. The accommodation for dogs is built with glass fronts, uPVC walls, and acoustic...
Rock House Boarding Kennels is a small facility that was established in 1987. The country location allows for a relaxing holiday for every guest, in heated kennels and where guests...
Laxey Cattery is a trustworthy, professional pet service, which provides boarding for cats in the Avon area. The health and well-being of every guest is the main priority.The cat units...
Cottage Kennels Cattery offers boarding for pets while owners are away. The staff has over 35 years experience in animal care and offers a high standard of facilities, which have...
Huntingford Kennels Cattery is a fully licensed and insured service that provides boarding, and a collection and delivery service, for pets.The kennels are individually heated and include outdoor concrete runs....

When attempting to make a reservation, especially during peak demand seasons, keep in mind that accommodations for your furry companions in certain provinces might have high occupancy and could potentially be fully booked. Plan ahead to secure your spot and ensure a stress-free experience.

You are viewing boarding kennels in Gloucestershire

Current weather and pet recommendations for Gloucestershire, GB

Temperature: 9.6°C, and temperatures are rising. Ensure your pet stays well-hydrated.

Condition: Scattered clouds