Account access

AnimaliaHotels shows listings of canine and feline hotels by province. Hotels can be added or edited for free and the rest of the platform works automatically.

There is no way of charging or paying on this website.

At the moment the hotels are ordered according to the amount of updated information, the more, the higher up in the listings.

Register an account and then add your canine and/or feline boarding. You can add information such as photography, description, services, contact, …

For acquisitions of already published canine or feline lodgings, use the link on the page of the same hotel to access to manage it. You will need to verify your identity as the owner/manager of the center.

To access you must register and access your account. From there you can click on Request Accommodation. You will need to verify that you are the administrator of the hotel.

On the same hotel page you will see a link to propose changes.

If you are a hotel administrator, you can register and thus add or edit information as you wish.