Dog and cat boarding kennels in Lancashire

Pet hotels and houses listings

Discover the best accommodations for your furry friends in Lancashire. Explore our listings of hotels for dogs and cats, and find the perfect option to pamper your pets while you're away.

  • Keepers and pets coexist
Valley View Pets Hotel is a well-established pet boarding faciliy, situated in 16 acres of extensive, tranquil countryside on the edge of the Forest of Bowland.Valley View has four kennel...
  • Keepers and pets coexist
New Forge Pet Hotel is a boarding kennels and cattery located in Lancashire, offering a home away from home.The boarding kennels are secure and comfortable, where your dog will experience...

When attempting to make a reservation, especially during peak demand seasons, keep in mind that accommodations for your furry companions in certain provinces might have high occupancy and could potentially be fully booked. Plan ahead to secure your spot and ensure a stress-free experience.

You are viewing boarding kennels in Lancashire

Current weather and pet recommendations for Lancashire, GB

Temperature: 11.09°C, and temperatures are rising. Ensure your pet stays well-hydrated.

Condition: Clear sky